Add new route
What is a Router?
A router allows your application to navigate between different components, changing the browser URL, modifying the browser history, and keeping the UI state in sync. However, as React focuses only on building user interfaces, it doesn’t have a built-in solution for routing.
React Router is the most popular routing library for React.
Configuring Route
Lets consider adding a page /contact-us
to our PWA app.
Step 1: Create a new file Using normal import
import ContactUs from "../app/components/contact-us";
export default [
//path that user will access
path: "/contact-us",
exact: true,
//Component to be displayed when the user visits the url of path
component: ContactUs,
Using dynamic import()
export default [
// ... other routes
path: "/contact-us",
exact: true,
component: import("../app/components/contact-us"),
Step 2: Add file to the routes
We need to add the new route to the list of existing routes.
In routes.js
// other imports
import ContactUsRoute from "./pages/contact-us";
export default class Routes {
apply(routeHandler) {
const routes = [
// ... other routes
routeHandler.hooks.initRoutes.tapPromise("AppRoutes", async () => {
We use React-Router v4 along with some extra options.